Therapeutic & Crisis Support


If you need to speak to someone urgently you can contact any of the following organisations who can help you.


Please note:

Go to, or contact, the Accident and Emergency Department of your nearest general hospital if you are in immediate danger and can’t get through to a help line. Emergency services can be contacted at any time by dialing 999 or 112 in Republic of Ireland or 112 in Europe.

HSE Text About It

50808 is a free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support. 50808 provides a safe space where you’re listened to by a trained Volunteer. You’ll message back and forth, only sharing what you feel comfortable with, until you both feel you are now in a calm, safe place.



Samaritans provide fully confidential and non judgemental emotional support 24 hours a day, every day by phone and email.

Freecall: 116123


Visit website



Aware provides information, education and support for people who experience depression or bipolar disorder, and their relatives.

Support line 1800 80 48 48

Visit website


Pieta House

Pieta House provide a free, confidential counselling service to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm.

Call 1800 247 247

Visit website



Jigsaw provide support and information to make sure every young person in Ireland has somewhere to turn to and someone to talk to.

Infoline 021 245 2500

Visit Website



Childline is a 24/7 helpline for children and young people in distress. Childline is open every day and is for all children and young people up to the age of 18 in Ireland.

Tel: 01 234 2000

Visit Website


Mental Health Ireland

Mental Health Ireland have a more exhaustive list of support services available on their website, including more, specialist services which you can find here: Get Support