Becoming you

Open groups

I run an open group throughout the year, that meets monthly for approx. 4 hours. Group numbers are always kept low (6 max). Please let me know if you like a place, I contract for 3 months at a time Jan – March, April – June, July - Sept and Oct - Dec.

Closed groups

I run a closed group each year beginning in January, that meets monthly for approx. 4 hours. Group numbers are always kept low (6 max). I offer email &/or phone support throughout the length of the group to each individual member. I will run additional closed groups upon request.


Functional fluency is a behavioural model that can support you to react less and respond more, maximising your interpersonal effectiveness so you can thrive at life!

Functional Fluency is about changing the way you do things. It is about creating more effective interpersonal relationships in order to achieve what really matters, in all realms of your life.


Group Work for the Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit.

Group work is a tried and tested approach which is exceptionally powerful. It is a versatile way for individuals to experience the value of coaching or therapy and to discover, be empowered and grow as an individual through the experience of the group.

Group work brings together a group of people who share a common desire for personal development and who may come from different backgrounds and levels of experience.

This is a highly effective approach to personal development.

I offer varied opportunities each year to join a coaching or therapy group for a period of 3 months at a time. My therapy groups meet weekly and my coaching groups meet fortnightly. The run from Jan - March, April - June, July - Sept and Oct - December.All meet online via zoom.

Get in touch to find out more


Functional Fluency - GOTM Group Sessions

A Get On The Mat group session offers an opportunity for anyone to fully experience Functional Fluency in action, working with the model through a systemic framework.

In the ' Get on the Mat' sessions we use Functional Fluency as a means for you to explore the way you behave and interact in all kinds of situations. You will get insight into how effectively your behaviour is for yourself and others. We 'play' out different circumstances and situations. We get an overview of possibilities. We see what we could not see before. We tap into the "Knowing Field" while exploring something on the mat, where everything has a right to belong.

Open monthly sessions - Get more information and book here.

If you are interested in working with me or are looking for more information then get in touch and I can tell you more about how it all works.


What approach do I take?

My approach spans across the humanistic, integrative, systemic, neuroscience, shamanic, transpersonal, experiential, somatic and holistic modalities.

Cognitively and emotionally I mainly work with Transactional Analysis. TA is a model for understanding human behaviour, communication and relationships. It was originally developed in the 1950s by the late Eric Berne, MD. The theory of TA, looks at the structure of personality; transactions, the way we relate to others; time structuring; the psychological “games” we play; and life scripts. I also use NLP, IFS, CBT, Gestalt, positive psychology and the systemic approaches of Family & Coaching Constellations.

On the neuroscience non verbal side of things I use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), NeurOptimal Neurofeedback, AVE (Audio Visual Entertainment), CES (Cranio-Electro Stimulation) and Meditation.

Somatically I use Somatic Experiencing, Breathwork and Dance, my previous. training as a Reflexologist and Holistic Masseuse also informs my approach. Working outdoors and/or assisted by a canine also leads to a deeper somatic experience.

Spiritually I take a shamanic approach. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual and healing practice on the planet dating back 50,000 years. This tradition has grown out of humanity’s experience of evolving out of the earth and our intimate connections to our mother. Shamanism is the path to knowledge which is gained through experience of many aspects of life, such as rituals, ceremonies, prayer, meditation, trials and tests. It is the practise, or discipline of interconnectedness and unlimited potential; which can create a total transformation of self. I also use Aura Soma & Reiki.

This blended approach invites people to develop awareness as to what may be preventing them from accessing their own true nature in the inner and outer expressions of their life. It is aimed at the person as a whole: mind, heart, soul and body. It invites people through the working relationship to develop awareness and insight leading to an integration of the internal and external self. It explores each person’s own resources and capacity for self-determination and ability to become closer to their authentic selves.

A process which I call: Becoming you.

Get in touch to find out more